or 419-335-7337

We use history, weather and university data to achieve the best results for you each year. We pride ourselves on education and our applicators are either ‘Trained Servicemen’ or ‘Certified Chemical Applicators’ by laws established in Ohio and Michigan. Your applicator will be professional, well trained and knowledgeable. Service, Service, Service is our goal. We promise to do your applications on time. We also promise if you see any problem in your landscape we will be out to evaluate it within 24 hours of the next business day. Your tailored program can grow and change with your landscape. As different needs arise, we can guide you in customizing the treatments to your specific needs. This is always done at NO CHARGE to you, our customer. Trees and shrubs offer so many benefits to your landscape. Whether it is shade, a screened play area for your children, or to add natural beauty around your home. Trees and shrubs need continued care right from the start. They are a major investment. Let us take care of the pests and diseases that can attack your trees and shrubs so they can continue to provide you with shade and beauty for years to come.
Steven L. Kurivial - President